Many stores. One account.

Sell in multiple currencies, markets, or even create unrelated stores!

Create Stores for Different Market Segments or Audiences

Today it’s common for one person to sell many unrelated products on multiple, targeted websites and sales pages that are optimized for each market.

Unlike other download sales and delivery solutions, DPD allows you to run multiple stores, all with their own settings and customizations, from one DPD account. This saves you money, allowing you to share your product slots and storage space across all your stores without paying for multiple accounts!

What is a Store in DPD?

In DPD, stores are settings containers for all the products sold in that store.

For example, let’s say you’re a record label that has many musicians. With DPD, you can create a store for each musician’s website and customize the checkout for each one.

Or maybe you’re a designer that sells a Wordpress theme on one site and vector graphics on another- you can customize each store to match the websites you’re selling on and nobody will even know they’re related unless you tell them, all from one DPD account.

Store level options include:

  • Store name and contact information
  • Checkout and delivery page theme / customizations
  • Payment processors
  • Integrations (like 3rd party mailing lists, Analytics, etc.)
  • Email templates
  • Invoice Templates
  • Shipping and Tax settings
  • Coupons and discounts
  • Download security options, and more

You can copy or move products between compatible stores, lookup customer and sales info by store (or globally), and email customers by store.

No Limits on Stores

DPD has no limit on the number of stores you can create on the same DPD account. Sell your products through one store or 100– It’s up to you! Product storage space and slots are shared across all your stores, so you only pay for what you need.


Ready to Start Selling?

Grow your business. Self-publish now.