Use a Custom Domain for your Cart and Checkout

Integrate your checkout so the customer never leaves your site

Custom URL Headline

With supported plans you can whitelabel your cart and checkout URL to match your own website. ->

By default, all stores in DPD come with a cart and checkout set up as a subdomain of such as our demo store, You can customize the “demo” portion of this URL to match your store (e.g. or and use it as-is without any other configuration.

If your plan includes the Custom Cart URL feature you can configure your store in DPD to use a custom subdomain of your existing website address. For example, we have configured the DPD demo store above to work at as a Custom Cart URL.

This creates a more seamless checkout flow for your customer and is just one of the many ways you can customize your cart and checkout to match your own website.

Using a custom cart domain is also great for analytics and sales tracking!


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