
List Products

Returns a list of products in your account.:

GET /products


  • storefront_id - Storefront to filter on. Default is all storefronts.



Get Product

Returns information about a single product.:

GET /products/:id

The response is a JSON hash with the following attributes:

  • id (integer) - Unique ID

  • created_at (UNIX timestamp) - When the product was created.

  • updated_at (UNIX timestamp) - When the product was last updated.

  • storefront_id (integer) - Storefront ID.

  • name (string) - Name of the product.

  • description (string) - Short description.

  • long_description (string) - Long description.

  • price (string) - Default price.

  • sku (string) - SKU

  • image_file_name (string) -

  • image_updated_at (integer; UNIX timestamp)

  • mime_type (string)

  • file_size (integer)

  • file_name (string)

  • prices (array)

  • weight (integer)

  • visibility (integer; 0 = hidden, 1 = displayed)

The prices array has the following attributes:

  • id (integer)

  • name (string)

  • price (string)

Product Image URL

When an image is uploaded to a product, multiple sizes are created. You can use 50x50, 125x125, 100x100, 150x150, 250x250, 300x300, 350x350, 400x400, 450x450, 500x500, 550x550, 600x600, 800x800, 1000x1000 for the size parameter. The image URL is: